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Chairman’s Message

  • 01
    Be a good person, uphold moral responsibilities, and give back to society.
    “First and foremost, I believe one should be a good person, carrying moral responsibilities and giving back to society.”
  • 02
    Walk the right path, bear the responsibility of quality, and commit to shared development.
    A good company should first have a dream and then a product. For this dream, I have chosen to start anew.”
  • 03
    Bear responsibility, shoulder the duty of service, and firmly support our customers.
    “In creating value for society, we refuse to engage in empty talk; what we value is concrete action.”
  • 04
    Always grateful, thankful for the development brought by China’s reform and opening-up
    “We should express our gratitude towards our motherland, society, and the era. It is this era that has bestowed our generation with opportunities.”
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